Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Weigh Watchers

I joined.

WW at Work.

Technically it isn't my work, but luckily the teachers at PHS like me and extended the invitation to me. Now, I am not actually excited about this. I am not excited that I have to sit through meetings because I don't have enough self control to take charge of what i eat. I am not excited about the number on the scale. I guess I am just glad there is a solution. I have seen several people succeed on the WW program. What I like is that I am investing in a lifestyle adjustment and not a diet.I will be using the POINTS program for 17 weeks and hopefully by the end of this time, I will know how to judge what I eat and when. I guess cutting down the beer will be first cut.

So, we are starting today January 12th and ending May 12th. Sounds good to me. This includes a wedding that I am in and ends right before my birthday. Yay!

Wish me luck!

BEFORE: Me weighing too much!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for you and yay for Weight Watchers! I love WW! I go on Mondays... P.S. There's an app for that!! ;) Love you girl!!
