Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Menu planning

I shop every 2 weeks for groceries. I usually have about $100 to spend so i have to get creative. We have Zoey every other week, so the menu is pretty bland then. This girl eats carrots andcheese and chicken!

Here is the menu...
Monday- Date Night at Don Picos
Tuesday- crockpot spaghetti
Wednesday-frito pie and cornbread
Thursday-little caesars pizza pizza
Friday-tomato soup and grilled cheese
Saturday leftovers and then Teriyaki bacon chickeb skewers over rice
Sunday-breakfast for lunch!!

We always go out on mondays and have pizza pizza on thursday...
Tuesday-California Pizza Kitchen BBQ Chicken pizza
Weds-Kani's chicken cory's favorite
Friday-Sheffield soup
Saturday-crockpot italian chicken with bowtie pasta
Sunday-crockpot chicken and dumplings!

If you want a recipe, i will be glad to share!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Got a Le Pan

Its no Ipad but I love it! Cant wait to learn how to use it!